WBS Keyvisual 2020 master Orange

Who should attend?

The World Banknote Summit is designed for:


  • Central Bank leaders responsible for currency management
  • State Printing Works executives
  • Counterfeit specialists from law enforcement agencies
  • Technical banknote experts from Central Banks
  • Representatives and technical experts from suppliers of equipment, materials or services needed for the creation and production, circulation management, and destruction of banknotes.


Addressing the challenges of a world in flux

The payment landscape is continuously changing, and so are banknotes. The driving forces affect banknotes just as much as other payment methods. Developing adequate responses to the challenges caused by these changes is vital to keep banknotes competitive as payment method.


The World Banknote Summit addresses these transformations head on. It provides guidance and tools to Central Banks, State Printing Works and Industry Suppliers to help effectively navigate the expanding management & operational complexities that are part of today’s industry landscape.







Banknotes at the heart of the World Banknote Summit

The World Banknote Summit has a clear focus on the tools of our trade – banknotes - and related, relevant issues.


In line with this focus, the conference agenda addresses topics on:


  • Issues that aim to make banknotes more secure and efficient in their production and circulation
  • The current and future payment landscape, and the role of banknotes in this landscape


The World Banknote Summit offers delegates the opportunity to engage in discussions, and exchange experience and best practice on all aspects of banknotes face-to-face, during immersion sessions, chatboxes, or in workshops.


Interact with those who matter – your industry peers.





About the Organizer

Beat ATTINGER World Banknote Summit HR

The World Banknote Summit is organized by Lighthouse Communications (www.lighthouse-communications.ch), a fully independent company dedicated to promoting education and communication in the banknote community.


Beat Attinger, founder of the company, acquired a profound knowledge of banknotes as a result of working in the industry for many years as a senior executive.


“The World Banknote Summit is designed as a platform that not only examines the challenges associated with currency management, but that also takes other factors into account that are relevant and shape the payment landscape. The opportunity to discuss and analyze these factors during the World Banknote Summit should help delegates gain valuable insights into all issues that impact the management of banknotes.”


Beat has gathered a team of experts to deliver a high-quality conference that meets the highest standards and expectations.



2020 dates block